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Our dog sanctuary

We are currently building our temporary dog sanctuary. We are currently setting up these in our private living quarters in such a way that we can achieve a larger capacity. At this point in time we are giving 11 dogs the chance of a happy life with love, food, medical care and a dog house - a roof over their heads. On our YouTube channel you can immerse yourself in current events and follow the construction, as well as many other social projects.

Furthermore, we are up to our heads in the planning of our large dog sanctuary and the associated projects, such as the "Placement Program Europe", our sponsorships, our flight sponsor community and the basic immunization of all street dogs in Morocco.

Here is our dog sanctuary:

2D view or 3D

No big machines, no metal, no plastic, no pollutant. Our dog sanctuary is built almost 100% from ecological material:

wood, clay, stone, straw and bamboo.

In this way we not only manage to create a project that is in harmony with nature, but we also keep the material costs to the utmost minimum! Resources such as stone and clay and wood can be mined in the region free of charge.

"This station is built with our own hands and our passion!"

We would also like to build a community on site:

Welcome are free spirits, dropouts, world travelers, backpackers, animal lovers, digital nomads and so on and so on, just life-loving people! 

For example, are you traveling around the world and looking for a place to sleep in a natural, healthy environment and at the same time want to push a project forward that is good for animals, people and nature?

Then visit us! We look forward to your support and hope that you can become an enriching part of our wonderful community and put some of your time into the Dog's Paradise project. We look forward to hearing from you, if you have any questions then please write to us, we will get back to you 100%!

As shown in the picture, our dog sanctuary will consist of the following areas:  


    1. Main square

This is where the majority of our adult street dogs live. There they have feeding places, shady areas, covered sleeping places, dog houses, swimming areas, and play facilities such as ropes attached to the walls.


    2. Main square

This square is almost identical to the 1st main square. This is where about the other half of our rescued dogs live. Because when dogs are kept in such large numbers, packs form, we always have to make sure that not every dog has the opportunity to contact everyone else, otherwise, to put it simply, there can be trouble. 

We do this by constructing the squares separately from each other and drawing locks between them. In this way, we can always safely switch the dogs between places 1, 2 and the playground.



Every dog's dream! A playground full of places to dig and dig, hills, caves, shaded areas, natural ponds for swimming, ball pools and even more opportunities to play and romp!

Adventure shower PURE! Dog shower with all the utensils needed to clean all dogs. Whether short hair or long, shaggy fur: lice, mites and all other hair and skin parasites have no chance, at the same time the four-legged friends stay away from strong chemical agents, such as those found in our everyday shampoo. Because at Dog's Paradise we have a strict nature policy. All of our soaps, shampoos and shower gels are 100% natural and homemade. "Plants, no chemicals", the promise to us and our animals!


    Quarantine area
There is enough space here for all sick, newly admitted dogs and those waiting for the vet, separated and sealed off from the outside world. Nevertheless, designed with love and comfortably furnished. After all, a sick dog needs the right environment to get back on its four legs. This station is also equipped with an outdoor area so that dogs that have to be in quarantine for a longer period of time still have their space for sufficient exercise.  


    Dog's Paradise Tools & Meds
In this manageable space we store feed, equipment and medicines. All three categories in one house but separate from each other.


    puppy world 
In our puppy world, the puppies we take in find the chance to have a normal puppy life with like-minded people, to play, cuddle and run around. Instead of being on your own, without mum, without dad to explore the world on your own and with your own little paws. After all, very few puppies survive out there alone. They simply starve to death, are poisoned and shot by the government, or succumb to rabies or parvovirus. But with your help something will change. Starting with our puppy world with everything a puppy's heart desires: above all, warm cuddling opportunities!


    young dog place
Here the dogs find their place, which are already too old for the puppy world and too young for the main places. On the playground (B1) we gradually let young dogs and adult dogs together under supervision. So that they can be integrated into the main places in everyday pack life without any problems.  


   switching room
Here you can find all the details about our local social projects. And of course all the details about our four-legged friends. Here we discuss everything that has to do with the topic of Dog's Paradise and mediation. If you want to save a dog or sponsor a dog, you will find yourself in this room where everything is explained in peace.


   "MEET - ME" garden
If someone has decided on a dog, the new friend can first be met in the "MEET - ME" garden and taken for a walk.  Here, the animal and its future master or mistress can sniff each other and find out whether the chemistry between the two is right!


    Benjitos Restaurant
Our small restaurant offers every visitor homemade, vegan, healthy burgers and waffles.
Here Benji, the restaurant owner ;) BILD


    "Lucita's" bar
Lucitas Bar offers you the opportunity to enjoy homemade, healthy smoothies with ingredients from the region.
Here Lucy, who throws the bar every day ;) BILD


    Our private living space
This is where our private living space is created -> also 100% ecological and built by hand. With our minimalist lifestyle, tents and quickly erected bamboo huts are enough for us at the beginning of the construction of the dog sanctuary, so that we can focus our full attention on the construction of Dog's Paradise.

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